The Small Business directory! Explore data on 850 Million commission dollars across nearly a half a million businesses. Chances are you can find your next client here, for free.
Benchmark paid amounts against thier cost per unit. Easily identify potential clients overpaying thier current broker.
Employer clients and producers both benefit from finding disparities in the marketplace.
The all-in-one Sober House Management Platform. Organize and streamline your facility, so you can focus on resident progress.
Track current residents, their payments, drug tests, notes, and progress. Add information per proprty, view occupancy and current beds available. View details at a propert portfolio level, or per residence.
A great program starts with a coordinated team! Outsource tasks as you see fit. Owners can add users, enable, and disable permissions. Review edits and deletes by each employee. Add notes and comments for your employees to see.
Skilled, micropenuer & product developer. Data drives my life. Hard working, hard playing. If I could clone me and work beside myself, it would be a collaborative, yet challenging, competition.
If a lap needs warming, count me in. I keep company to the people designing the goods. Don't underestimate that role. Mighty entrepenuers come in tiny, fluffy, packages
The RN, who treats feverish clients to new applications. If you have an itch for a new feature, product or platform, drop her a line. Her favorite color is a place, and that place is Moab.
A small (micro) software company. We build platforms for subjects, we know, or people we know who need products. Once we develop products, we sell them to you, the user.
We hope you never have technical problems, although things do happen. The quickest way to get any questions answered, is via email at, our phone number is also below.
Visit each site to learn about signing up. If you need further guidance, please send us an email at
We deal mostly in vanilla Javascript, CSS, Bootstrap, EJS, and HTML. We use the super secure cloud based MongoDB for database needs and Mongoose for querying.
Yes! Send us a message to learn more.
Ecovery is a pay for service, however we are the most affordable option in the sober house management software space. 5500search is 100% FREE! We are passionate about bringing transparency to the healthcare industry, as we believe it drives healthcare costs lower to the end consumer. We hope to develop more, and more, free products that aid in transparency.